2023 UN Day PROCLAMATION by Davis City Council

WHEREAS, 2023 marks the 78th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations since the Charter was signed in San Francisco on June 26, 1945 and came into force on October 24, 1945; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations emerged from the ashes of a devastating World War through a collective belief that lasting peace and prosperity can be advanced through the rule of law, through international collaboration and diplomacy, and through a deep commitment to the advancement of universal human rights; and

WHEREAS, our collective resolve, expressed in the United Nations Charter, remains to uphold our “faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small;” and

WHEREAS, on this 78th United Nations Day, we reaffirm the inherent humanity that unites us, and renew our commitment to creating a future that advances peace, dignity, and security for all; and

WHEREAS, we continue to be reminded that active participation in civil society and in governance, individually and by our world leaders, is essential for the continued success and strength of the United Nations and the collective fulfillment of the United Nations’ goals and purposes; and

WHEREAS, we continue to be reminded just how interconnected the world is today and how we all are affected by global and regional threats; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations Association of the USA’s 2023 UN Day theme -“Equality, Freedom and Justice for All”- encompasses the United Nations’ ideals while highlighting this year’s 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations has remained an indispensable partner for the United States in promoting our nation’s historic shared values as well as to protect our national security, economic, environmental and foreign policy interests; and

WEREAS, the citizens of Davis, young and old, have traditionally recognized the importance of undertaking efforts on the local, national and international level to promote collaborative initiatives and generous humanitarian efforts toward a peaceful and more just world.

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Davis City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Davis, do hereby

1) recognize the 78th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations, as well as the need for, and benefits of, international cooperation;

2) affirm the importance of promoting awareness of and increasing support for the principles and vital work of the United Nations to address the most pressing global issues facing humanity, including climate change, food insecurity, economic inequality and nuclear threat;

3) applaud the United Nations for its critical role in working for international peace and security, combating terrorism and protecting human rights;

4) celebrate the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt played a critical role;

5) commend the United Nations’ leadership and ongoing efforts to mobilize strong international collaboration and actions by all Member States to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

6) acknowledge with appreciation the leadership and ongoing efforts by the United Nations to address global health crises;  

7) applaud the United Nations for its response to unprecedented humanitarian crises due to natural and human causes that have resulted in a staggering escalation of displacement and suffering;

8) encourage Davis residents of all ages to learn about, commemorate, and celebrate the goals, principles, programs and achievements of the United Nations;

9) call on the United States government to reaffirm its long-standing support for the United Nations and to publicize the great benefit of this partnership and

10) hereby proclaim that October 24, 2023 be celebrated as United Nations Day in Davis, and that the United Nations flag be flown at the City Hall in recognition of the occasion.

October 3, 2023

Will Arnold           Josh Chapman        Donna Neville       Gloria Partida        Bapu Vaitla     

Mayor                   Vice Mayor             Council Member   Council Member    Council Member


Impressions of a gathering to focus on the United Nations‘ Universal Declaration of Human Rights